Author: Volodya Harutyunyan

Effect of Static Electric Fields on The Electronic And Optical Properties of Layered Semiconductor Nanostructures

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-68108-081-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-080-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810808021150101


This volume investigates the theory of the effect of static electric fields on one-electron states in nanocylindrical and nanospherical heterolayers and quantized semiconductor films.

Homogeneous external electrostatic field for all these structures has been considered as a "universal" modulating factor. For structures with radial symmetry, a study on the influence of radial static field and the electric field of a charged ring on one-electron states is presented. Chapters focusing on homogeneous field effect on low-dimensional excitonic states in the quantized films and quantum wires - in both wide bandgap and narrowband semiconductors - are also included. Other contents include calculations on weak, moderate and strong electric fields, quantum-mechanical approximation and perturbation theory, the quasi-classical approximation (WKB method). Readers will benefit from the varied methodological approach to the subject which will give a concrete analytical framework to solve problems related to nanoscale semiconductor design. The reference should prove to be useful to academics and professionals working in semiconductor nanoelectronics research and development.


Volodya Harutyunyan
Dept. of General Physics and Quantum Nanostructures
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
Republic of Armenia


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