Editor: Pilar Mercader-Moyano

The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $148
Printed Copy: US $118
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-1-68108-065-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-064-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810806421150101


The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighborhoods is a collection of papers presented at the International Congress of Sustainable Construction and Eco‐efficient Solutions. This event has established itself as a forum for meeting academics from around the word, researchers and professionals of the construction sector, in which environmental information is shared with a multidisciplinary context, and which involves participants from different areas of the construction process. The congress brings together development proposals through a shared vision of environmental sustainability and presents alternative solutions to problems through technical presentations and trainings, in order to minimize the environmental impact caused by the construction sector.

This monograph celebrates the event’s second international edition and its fourth national edition. The volume contains selected articles written by the participants. Readers will find information about interesting, new developments and concepts on

  • - Energy retrofitting in older buildings
  • - Tools to determine and measure environmental impact and sustainability indicators
  • - Economic / cost based revaluation of buildings through the viability of eco‐efficient solutions
  • - Reduction of the consumption of material and energy resources and in CO2 emissions
  • - Sustainability research based on the renovation of urban areas.

The studies in this book provide real examples from different countries (Argentina and Spain, for example). The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighborhoods is a useful reference for researchers and professional architects involved in sustainable development, environmental rehabilitation and the construction industry.


The chapters published in this book are taken from the II International Congress on Sustainable Construction and Eco-Efficient Solutions, held in Seville, Spain, in May 2015, this being the fourth edition at a national level. From the 150 papers presented, the best papers have been selected in a double-blind peer review by an International Scientific-Technical Committee. These papers are collected in this book.

This Congress edition, organized by the University of Seville and supported by the Department of Development and Housing of the Government of Andalusia (Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía), has the motto: “Eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings and neighbourhoods”.

Refurbishing building constructions in a more sustainable way, by minimizing the environmental impact, is the objective sought, in response not only to the European approach Horizon 2020, but to all those who seek a more sustainable world. This objective has brought together more than 100 international researchers, representatives from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain and 200 students from the branches of Architecture, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences, among others.

Throughout three days, professionals, scientists, researchers, and public administration representatives worked together in thematic and parallel blocks, in round tables and in debating sessions, in order to reflect on the decision-making that helps to improve the technique innovation in both the public and private building sectors.

At the same time, the students worked intensively in the workshops to achieve innovative building solutions, as alternatives to conventional solutions, which are capable of minimising the environmental impact generated by construction, thereby improving the energy efficiency of the pre-existent buildings, with an optimal economic cost, and affordable in the long-term.

The chapters of this book provide a summary of the main debates, papers and the results discussed in the referenced sessions.

We wish to thank all the conference participants and especially the staff of the organisation of the Congress for their valuable contributions.

Pilar Mercader-Moyano
Department of Building Constructions I
University of Seville