Editors: Kiyomi Taniyama, Wataru Kamiike

Advances in Modern Medicine

eBook: US $99 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $243
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Library License: US $396
ISBN: 978-1-68108-024-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-023-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810802391150101


Advances in Modern Medicine introduces recent advanced medical practices performed at the Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center (KMCCCC) - one of the leading hospitals in Japan - to those working in the field of medicine throughout the world, including physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, psychologists, medical engineers, medical technologists, nurses, and students. Readers will be updated on the general trends in modern medicine relevant to a variety of medical specialties performed at KMCCCC. The volume covers topics such as cancer management, acute phase reaction against a national-level disaster, depression management, emergency medicine, hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal diseases, orthopedics, organ transportation, infection control, blood disease, chronic kidney disease, palliative care, dermatology, ophthalmology, pathology, and nursing for cancer patients. Aspiring medical students can learn more about the latest developments in their field of interest, while patients can learn about treatment options available for different diseases.


- Pp. i-v (5)
Hideo Kusuoka, Takaaki Kirino, Fumitaka Saji, Wataru Yasui
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- Pp. vi
Kiyomi Taniyama, Wataru Kamiike
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List of Contributors

- Pp. x-xvi (7)
Kiyomi Taniyama, Wataru Kamiike
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A New Therapeutic Strategy for Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck

- Pp. 3-11 (9)
Haruo Hirakawa, Yasuyuki Nishi, Taisuke Watanabe, Makoto Tada, Kiyomi Taniyama, Wataru Kamiike

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The Long-Term Outcomes of Partial Breast Irradiation Using External Beam after Breast Conserving Surgery

- Pp. 12-20 (9)
Michinori Yamamoto

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Is It Possible to Optimize Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response by EGFR and CK5/6 Expression Status in Breast Cancer Patients?

- Pp. 21-33 (13)
Nao Morii, Hiroyasu Yamashiro, Hirotoshi Takahashi, Kiyomi Taniyama

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Auto-Analysis of Immunohistochemical Findings for Breast Cancer

- Pp. 34-41 (8)
Kazuya Kuraoka, Kiyomi Taniyama, Miho Yoshida-Tanaka, Akihisa Saito, Nao Morii, Shinji Ozaki

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How does Pathology Clinic Have Effect on Mental State and Adjustment in Patients with Breast Cancer?

- Pp. 42-52 (11)
Miyuki Nagashima, Kiyomi Taniyama, Hanae Minami, Minoru Takebayashi

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Recurrence Pattern and Long-Term Survival After Two Types of VATS Lobectomy for Clinical T1N0 Lung Cancer

- Pp. 53-65 (13)
Yoshinori Yamashita, Hiroaki Harada

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The Role of DNA Methylation as A Biomarker in Lung Cancer: Prognostic Prediction and Early Detection

- Pp. 66-72 (7)
Hiroaki Harada, Kazuaki Miyamoto, Masaki Kuwahara, Yoshinori Yamashita

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Efficacy and Safety of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Using A Scissors-Type Knife for Early Colorectal Neoplasms

- Pp. 73-79 (7)
Toshio Kuwai, Toshiki Yamaguchi, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Hirotaka Kouno, Hiroshi Kohno

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Influence of Endoscopic Stent Insertion on Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells from Obstructing Colon Cancer

- Pp. 80-86 (7)
Shinya Yamashita, Masahiro Tanemura, Toshio Kuwai, Yosuke Shimizu, Harumi Tominaga, Nobutaka Hatanaka

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Clinical Outcome of Liver Resection in Single Center Experience: Laparoscopic versus Open Procedure

- Pp. 87-98 (12)
Toshimitsu Irei, Masahiro Tanemura, Masashi Inoue, Yosuke Shimizu, Harumi Tominaga, Nobutaka Hatanaka

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Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Does TACE Have a Future?

- Pp. 99-111 (13)
Naoyuki Toyota, Takuji Yamagami, Noriaki Matsuura, Naoko Akiyama, Hiromi Miyoshi, Takahiro Sueoka, Kazuo Awai

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Immunotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer: Clinical Relevance of α-gal Epitope/Natural Anti-gal Antibody Reaction

- Pp. 112-125 (14)
Masahiro Tanemura, Eiji Miyoshi, Hiroaki Nagano, Kiyomi Taniyama, Masaki Mori, Yuichiro Doki

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Evaluation of Cervical Liquid-Based Cytology in Glandular Abnormalities of Japanese Women

- Pp. 126-138 (13)
Yosuke Kawakami, Tamaki Toda, Toshinao Nishimura, Kazuya Kuraoka, Tomoya Mizunoe, Kiyomi Taniyama

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Clinical Application on Telomere Biology for Cancer

- Pp. 139-149 (11)
Toshihiro Matsuo, Hiroki Hachisuka, Takahiko Hamasaki, Yasunori Izuta, Norikazu Hamada

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Cancer Counseling and Pathology Clinic

- Pp. 150-159 (10)
Takako Nakanishi, Kyoko Kosugi, Chidori Teraoka, Terumi Aoshiba, Kazuya Kuraoka, Kiyomi Taniyama
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Late Endocrine Effect for Childhood Cancer Survivors

- Pp. 160-166 (7)
Shinichiro Miyagawa

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Changes in Esophageal Cancer Treatment Over the Past Decade at Our Hospital

- Pp. 167-172 (6)
Nobutaka Hatanaka, Jeong Ho Moon

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Adiponectin, Its Roles in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

- Pp. 173-187 (15)
Morihiro Matsuda, Ritsu Tamura, Toshiharu Kawamoto

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Novel Strategy for Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Targeting Systemic and Adipose Tissue Inflammation

- Pp. 189-195 (7)
Nozomu Kamei
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Improved Adaptation of Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy based on the Evaluation of Renal Function Using 99mTc-MAG3 Renal Imaging

- Pp. 196-204 (9)
Tsutomu Shimamoto, Masanobu Shigeta, Kenichiro Fukuoka, Fumihiro Satake, Shuntaro Koda

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Recent Findings in Genetic and Enzymatic Analysis of Newborn Screening-Positive Subjects Based on Tandem Mass Spectrometry

- Pp. 205-309 (105)
Keiichi Hara, Go Tajima, Satoshi Okada, Nobuo Sakura

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The Role of an Expert in Medical Engineering in Japan

- Pp. 210-219 (10)
Masashi Tagaya, Morihiro Matsuda, Shunsuke Ichikawa, Yasuyuki Nishi, Yasusuke Miyagatani, Toshiharu Kawamoto

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Depression: A Novel Mechanism of Antidepressant Action with a Focus on Astrocytes

- Pp. 220-232 (13)
Minoru Takebayashi, Kazue Hisaoka-Nakashima, Mami Okada- Tsuchioka, Chiyo Shibasaki, Hiromi Abe, Naoto Kajitani

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Advances in Electroconvulsive Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders

- Pp. 233-241 (9)
Chiyo Shibasaki, Minoru Takebayashi

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How Does Electroconvulsive Therapy Work in the Brain? –Involvement of the Astrocyte-Derived Synaptogenic Factor, Thrombospondin-1-

- Pp. 242-250 (9)
Mami Okada-Tsuchioka, Chiyo Shibasaki, Minoru Takebayashi

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Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake: Medical Aid Activities by National Hospital Organization

- Pp. 251-259 (9)
Tamami Umeda

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The Yin and Yang of Von Willebrand Factor in Thrombosis and Hemostasis: Lessons from Von Willebrand Disease and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

- Pp. 260-272 (13)
Toshiro Takafuta, Makoto Kaneko, Isaku Shinzato

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Topics in Neurology

- Pp. 273-286 (14)
Tsuyoshi Torii

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Impact of Dose Reduction on the Efficacy of Triple Therapy for Patients Infected with Genotype 1b and High Viral Loads

- Pp. 287-295 (9)
Hiroshi Kohno, Hirotaka Kouno, Toshiki Yamaguchi, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Toshio Kuwai

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Characteristics of Acute Cholangitis and Endoscopic Management of Elderly Patients at Our Institute

- Pp. 296-305 (10)
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Toshiki Yamaguchi, Toshio Kuwai, Hirotaka Kouno, Hiroshi Kohno

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Salvage of Flaps with Unstable Blood Flow

- Pp. 306-316 (11)
Satoshi Onoda, Shogo Azumi, Yuki Miura, Narushi Sugiyama

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Efficacy of Wound Closure with Cyanoacrylate Glue for Total Knee Arthroplasty without Drain

- Pp. 317-324 (8)
Yasunori Izuta, Masanori Yasumoto, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Manabu Niitani, Norikazu Hamada, Takashi Sugita

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Effects of Switching from Allopurinol to Febuxostat in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

- Pp. 325-333 (9)
Shunsuke Takahashi, Ayumu Nakashima, Asako Urabe, Yosuke Osaki, Takao Masaki

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Infection Control Program for MRSA in Intensive Care Units

- Pp. 334-340 (7)
Yasusuke Miyagatani, Masaki Murao, Kajie Ishitani, Chieko Senjyo

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Prevention and Management of Persistent Postoperative Pain - A Review of Literature and A Proposal of Therapeutic Strategy

- Pp. 341-353 (13)
Katsuyuki Moriwaki, Ken Hashimoto, Kazuhisa Shiroyama, Minoru Tajima, Mikako Sanuki, Shigeaki Kurita

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Bland-Altman Analysis for Method Comparisons

- Pp. 354-361 (8)
Noriaki Matsuura, Takahiro Sueoka, Hiromi Miyoshi, Naoko Akiyama, Naoyuki Toyota, Kazuo Awai

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Prospective Study of the Treatment of Biotin in Patients with Drug Erythema due to Gefitinib or Erlotinib

- Pp. 362-365 (4)
Yoshikazu Ogawa, Takayoshi Kiba, Kikuo Nakano, Sayoko Kajiume, Yuko Okada, Yasunori Ichiba

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Talking about Life Expectancy with Our Cancer Patients Considering Palliative Chemotherapy

- Pp. 366-375 (10)
Kikuo Nakano

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End-of-Life Care

- Pp. 376-389 (14)
Shoji Sunada, Naomi Sanemori, Kei Itagaki, Nobutaka Hatanaka, Yosuke Shimizu, Kikuo Nakano

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Humanized Mouse Models as An Experimental Tool to Investigate Disease Immunology

- Pp. 390-401 (12)
Takashi Onoe

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What are Clinical Studies?

- Pp. 403-406 (4)
Takayoshi Kiba

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The Hospital Information System Using Two Separate Virtual Servers Connected to the Internet with Strong Security

- Pp. 407-419 (13)
Toshiharu Kawamoto

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Dermoscopy for Pigmented Skin Lesions: Four Case Reports

- Pp. 420-426 (7)
Seiko Sanada

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A Case of Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis Presented with Papilledema

- Pp. 427-433 (7)
Yumi Ishida, Ryoko Kanbara

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Verification of New Method for Stroke Volume Assessment by Echocardiography: Preliminary Study Report

- Pp. 434-437 (4)
Tatsuya Endo, Takashi Onoe

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Eosinophilic Pancreatitis with Psoriasis Vulgaris

- Pp. 438-446 (9)
Masashi Inoue, Masahiro Tanemura, Toshimitsu Irei, Nobutaka Hatanaka, Yuki Matsuzaka, Kazuya Kuraoka

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Acute Renal Failure Due to Ethylene Glycol Poisoning: A Case Report

- Pp. 447-450 (4)
Yosuke Osaki, Asako Urabe, Shunsuke Takahashi

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Intraductal Papilloma of the Breast with Necrosis Due to An Infarction: A Case Report

- Pp. 451-457 (7)
Akihisa Saito, Kazuya Kuraoka, Daiki Taniyama, Toshinao Nishimura, Shinji Ozaki, Kiyomi Taniyama

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Imprint Cytology of Extrarenal Retroperitneal Angiomyolipoma: A Case Report

- Pp. 458-463 (6)
Daiki Taniyama, Kazuya Kuraoka, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Masahiro Tanemura, Takuo Ito, Kiyomi Taniyama

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Internal Coil Trapping of a Ruptured PICAInvolved- Type Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysm: A Case Report

- Pp. 464-471 (8)
Hideo Ohba, Shinji Ohba, Yoko Ito, Jumpei Oshita, Koki Yonezawa, Masahiro Hosogai

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An Approach for More Effective Detection of Clostridium Difficile in Patients

- Pp. 472-476 (5)
Kayoko Tadera, Yasushi Takashiro, Junichi Shimohana, Hideki Nakano, Takashi Onoe, Kiyomi Taniyama

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Quality Assurance of Immunohistochemistry for Breast Cancers using a Whole-slide Imaging System, Specified Software and Cell Lines

- Pp. 477-480 (4)
Miho Yoshida-Tanaka, Junichi Sakane, Yoshiko Kimura, Yoshimi Shitakubo, Kazuya Kuraoka, Kiyomi Taniyama

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Subject Index

- Pp. 481-488 (8)
Kiyomi Taniyama, Wataru Kamiike
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