Authors: Maxim Ogurtsov, Risto Jalkanen, Markus Lindholm, Svetlana Veretenenko

The Sun-climate Connection Over the Last Millennium: Facts and Questions

eBook: US $89 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $176
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $356
ISBN: 978-1-60805-981-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-980-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816080598051150101


The search for a cause of the global warming phenomenon on our planet has sparked some interest in the scientific community. The connection between changes occurring in the sun and global warming presents one fundamental perspective which has been investigated by a number of scientific research groups. In recent times, there have been some promising results that might help us uncover the clues about such a link.

The Sun-Climate Connection over the Last Millennium: facts and questions presents fundamental information about the solar activity, space weather, terrestrial climates and their variations over an extended period of time. The information presented is a set of analyses based on modern methods of statistical analysis of non-stationary time series, including Fourier, wavelet and singular spectral analysis while considering space weather phenomena (solar winds, solar flares, aurora borealis etc.) and other terrestrial manifestations of solar activity. The physical mechanisms potentially linking solar activity and space weather to climate are discussed based on these analyses. The eBook also provides some context of modern millennial temperature reconstructions for explaining global warming in the 20th century. Scenarios of the solar activity and climate evolution throughout the 21st century are considered on the basis of the updated data.

The eBook provides useful facts for researchers seeking information on climate and space research with respect to solar phenomena.


Climate change, variations of solar irradiance and physical state of the circumterrestrial space have significant impact on many kinds of human activity and the natural variability. The history of mankind knows severe examples of the vulnerability of human society of these dependences. The presence of a link between the Sun’s activity, galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux, effectively modulated by Sun, and the Earth’s climate has been claimed in many works. Consequently, the possible solar contribution to the global warming of the last century is at present actively debated. However, our modern knowledge about the past of the phenomena is quite insufficient since direct instrumental records are rather short. Analysis of high-resolution solar and climatic long-term proxies makes it possible to fill the gaps in our knowledge.

The eBook is written in frame of a multi-disciplinary approach and collects efforts of specialists in different scientific fields, including solar-terrestrial relations, paleoastrophysics, paleoclimatology, dendroclimatology. It describes well the most up-to-date methods of solar paleoastrophysics and paleoclimatology and accumulates a lot of information about solar and climatic variability over time scales from decades to millennia. It contains both detailed survey of experimental results, testifying reality of solar-climatic relationship, and discussion of possible physical mechanisms providing a link between the Sun’s activity and the lower atmosphere. The eBook includes some interesting results not well known outside Russia e.g. published only in Russian or obtained by scientists who work out of the Russian (Soviet) Academy system.

The eBook emphasizes necessity of the complex approach to the problems of solar-terrestrial and solar-climatic relationship. It will be useful for researchers which work in solar-terrestrial physics, climatology, geophysics, astronomy, for post-graduate students and students of older years.

V.N. Obridko
Institute of Terrestrial Magnestism


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