Editor: Boris Levin

The Theory of Thin Antennas and Its Use in Antenna Engineering

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-60805-774-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-773-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2013
DOI: 10.2174/97816080577331130101


This book deals with the methods of theoretical and experimental research of antennas, which are based on the electromagnetic (EM) theory. The theory of thin antennas explains antenna analysis, as thin antennas represent one of the main types of radiators and are extensively applied as both independent antennas and as elements of more complicated antennas.

The contents of the book cover new methods of antenna analysis and design, including the theory of electrically coupled lines, the methods of complex potential, compensation, impedance line, and mathematical programming among others. New results from these experiments are also detailed. The complex potential method is generalized to inhomogeneous media and is employed in conical and parabolic problems. The theory of electrically coupled lines allows considering theoretical problems of multi-conductor cables and multi-radiator antennas. The compensation method permits creating a weak field area in the near region of a transmitting antenna. The method of impedance line is applied to antennas with loads, and the method of mathematical programming deals with selecting loads to develop antennas with the required characteristics.

The methods described within this text enable engineers to calculate parameters for new types of antennas, particularly, the self-complementary antennas. In the general case, similar properties pertain to the three-dimensional self-complementary antennas, their variants are also considered in the book. Close attention is also paid to the field compensation in the near region of a transmitting antenna and to the creation of the ‘dark spot’.

The book is an essential reference for graduates and researchers requiring knowledge on the design and engineering of new antennas as well as the underlying electromagnetic and mathematical principles.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, EBSCO.


B. Levin’s eBook “The Theory of Thin antennas and Its Use in Antenna Engineering” is dedicated to the theory of thin perfectly conducting and impedance radiators. For the most part, it bases on original results of the author who has successfully been tackling the problems of thin antennas for about fifty years and has contributed hundred published papers and fifty inventions in this area of great interest. Particularly impressive is that the author succeeds in an eBook so small in volume (~ 200 pages), in treating at a high scientific level the most important aspects of the analysis and synthesis of thin radiators and probable fields of their application. In the manner of rendering the material and in the number of thin antenna variants considered by the author, the eBook comes close to a handbook, which makes the results set forth in it much easier to use. Undoubtedly B. Levin’s eBook will be greeted with interest by the community of antenna professionals and students of higher radio engineering schools.

Prof. Yakov S. Shifrin
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
President of Ukrainian National Antenna Association
Life Fellow IEEE