Author: Xuesong Han

Micro and Nanomachining Technology-Size, Model and Complex Mechanism

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $151
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-60805-770-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-769-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2014
DOI: 10.2174/97816080576961140101


"Recent advances in science and technology such as online monitoring techniques, coupling of various processing methods, surface characterization and measurement techniques have greatly promoted the development of ultraprecise machining technology. This precision now falls into the micrometer and nanometer range - hence the name micro & nanomachining technology (MNT).

Machining is a complex phenomenon associated with a variety of different mechanical, physical, and chemical processes. Common principles defining control mechanisms such as O Jamie de geometry, Newton mechanics, Macroscopic Thermodynamics and Electromagnetics are not applicable to phenomena occurring at the nanometer scale whereas quantum effects, wave characteristics and the microscopic fluctuation become the dominant factors. A remarkable enhancement in computational capability through advanced computer hardware and high performance computation techniques (parallel computation) has enabled researchers to employ large scale parallel numerical simulations to investigate micro & nanomachining technologies and gain insights into related processes.

Micro and Nanomachining Technology - Size, Model and Complex Mechanism introduces readers to the basics of micro & nanomachining (MNT) technology and covers some of the above techniques including molecular dynamics and finite element simulations, as well as complexity property and multiscale MNT methods.

This book meets the growing need of Masters students or Ph.D. students studying nanotechnology, mechanical engineering or materials engineering, allowing them to understand the design and process issues associated with precision machine tools and the fabrication of precision components."


Nanotechnology is seen as the next step in the industrial revolution and, as such, requires machining processes that will revolutionize the way small products are made. It is clear that micro & nanomachining has already been a daunting task. A remarkable enhancement in computational capability (computer hardware) and high performance computation techniques (parallel computation) has enable us to employ the large scale parallel numerical simulation to investigate the micro & nanomachining and gain insights into this process. Process modeling and optimization with the help of computers can reduce expensive and time consuming experiments for manufacturing good quality products. Micro & nanomachining is not the similarity reduction but should be some new mechanism plays a dominant role. This eBook aims to provide the fundamentals and the recent advances in micro and nanomachining for modern manufacturing engineering.

The eBook is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction to micro & nano machining technology (MNT). A brief history of MNT is provided here to highlight the important roles this field has played in manufacturing technology development. The historical development of different MNT is introduced in the second half of this chapter. Further advancements in the MNT can be aided through a theoretical understanding of micro & nanomachining. The diversity of these processes renders difficult a generalized theoretical analysis of MNT; however, the methods of molecular dynamics are becoming increasingly attractive for studies of MNT, especially as the technology advances toward the shaping of parts in the nanometric range. The foundations of molecular dynamics that are needed for theoretical treatments of micromachining therefore form the basis of Chapter 2. Chapter 3 focuses on the fundamental principles of finite element as well as some key factors on numerical modeling of micro & nanomachining and current advancements. Chapter 4 discusses the recent advances on multiscale method, its theoretical basis and their roles on investigation of MNT. Owing to the combination of constantly increasing computational power and the increased knowledge and understanding of material behavior, multiple scale modeling methods have recently emerged as the tool of choice to link the mechanical behavior of materials from the smallest scale of atoms to the largest scale of structures. Chapter 5 focuses on the complexity of MNT. The self-organization of MNT, energy dissipation, and fractal analysis of machined surface acquired by MNT are given in this chapter.

The author thanks a large number of groups and people who have directly or indirectly contributed to making this eBook possible. Many thanks are due and sincerely given to Prof. Bin Lin for putting part of the cooperation work into this eBook. I also wish to note my appreciation to Mr. Xiaohu Liang for helping me diligently in providing corresponding materials.

Most of all, I would like to thank my family for the understanding and love that made writing of this eBook possible.


This work is supported by China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201208120091).

Conflict Of Interest

The author confirms that this eBook content has no conflict of interest.

Xuesong Han
School of Mechanical Engineering
Tianjin University
California State Polytechnic University


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