Editor: Roberto Murri

Silicon Based Thin Film Solar Cells

Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $142
Printed Copy: US $142
ISBN: 978-1-60805-456-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-518-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2013
DOI: 10.2174/97816080551801130101


Silicon Based Thin Film Solar Cells explains concepts related to technologies for silicon (Si) based photovoltaic applications. Topics in this book focus on ‘new concept’ solar cells. These kinds of cells can make photovoltaic power production an economically viable option in comparison to the bulk crystalline semiconductor technology industry. A transition from bulk crystalline Si solar cells toward thin-film technologies reduces usage of active material and introduces new concepts based on nanotechnologies. Despite its importance, the scientific development and understanding of new solar cells is not very advanced, and educational resources for specialized engineers and scientists are required.

This textbook presents the fundamental scientific aspects of Si thin films growth technology, together with a clear understanding of the properties of the material and how this is employed in new generation photovoltaic solar cells.

The textbook is a valuable resource for graduate students working on their theses, young researchers and all people approaching problems and fundamental aspects of advanced photovoltaic conversion.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Daniel L. Rode
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- Pp. iii-iv (2)
Roberto Murri
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v-vi (2)
Roberto Murri
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- Pp. vii-x (4)
Sergio Pizzini
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Basics of Thin Film Solar Cells

- Pp. 3-28 (26)
Marco Ficcadenti, Roberto Murri
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Deposition of Thin Films: PECVD Process

- Pp. 29-57 (29)
Armando Menéndez, Pascal Sánchez, David Gómez
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Sputtering of Thin Films

- Pp. 58-80 (23)
Paolo Rava
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Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)

- Pp. 81-107 (27)
Lorenzo Morresi
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Infrared and Raman Spectroscopies

- Pp. 108-145 (38)
Ubaldo Coscia, Deepak K. Basa, Giuseppina Ambrosone
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Morphological and Structural Properties

- Pp. 146-176 (31)
Angelica M. Chiodoni, Elena Tresso
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Optical Properties of Semiconductors

- Pp. 177-242 (66)
Marian Nowak
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Electrical Properties of Semiconductors

- Pp. 243-276 (34)
Nicola Pinto, Marco Ficcadenti, Lorenzo Morresi
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Heterojunction for Silicon Photovoltaics

- Pp. 277-358 (82)
Mario Tucci, Luca Serenelli, Massimo Izzi, Enrico Salza, Simona De Iuliis, Pietro Mangiapane, Giampiero de Cesare, Domenico Caputo
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Micromorph Cells

- Pp. 359-394 (36)
Maurizio Acciarri
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Light Trapping in Thin Silicon Solar Cells

- Pp. 395-473 (79)
Mario Tucci, Luca Serenelli, Simona de Iuliis, Domenico Caputo, Giampiero de Cesare
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- Pp. 474-508 (35)
Roberto Murri
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