Editor: Volodymyr Dvornyk

Current Topics in Menopause

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $236
Printed Copy: US $196
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-60805-515-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-453-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2013
DOI: 10.2174/97816080545341130101


Menopause is a significant event in a woman’s life as is generally considered as an indicator for senescence in women. Evidence suggests that menopause results in many psychological and postmenopausal health problems, such as anxiety, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder and others. Menopausal symptoms and associated disorders are of great importance for public health as they influence the quality of life of affected individuals. Therefore proper management of menopause will definitely contribute to healthy aging and the overall well-being of women.

This e-book reviews recent progress in the research and management of menopause and associated health problems. It provides comprehensive coverage of both clinical aspects and basic research of menopause. Topics covered in this e-book include research findings about risk factors for complex medical conditions associated with menopause along with the treatment options for these conditions, with particular emphasis on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). These conditions include osteoporosis, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Subsequent chapters detail on common oncological malignancies post menopause. The e-book concludes with a review of HRT treatment including its advantages and disadvantages followed by a review on risk factors, causes and complications of premature menopause occurring in women before an age of 40 years.

This e-book is a valuable guide for medical researchers and gynecological professionals with a focus on the pathophysiology and treatment of this medical condition.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, EBSCO.


In 1000 B.C. life expectancy was only 18 year; by 100 B.C., the time of Caesar, it had reached 25 years. In 1900 in United States, life expectancy has reached only 49 years.

Today, a woman who reaches 54 can expect to reach the age of 84 years and the elderly population is now the largest contributor to illness and human need in the United States and Europe. Our worldwide success in postponing death has increased the upper segment of the demographic development and by 2050, China will contain more people older than 65 years of age than the number of people of all ages currently living in United States.

This evolution in demography has increased the need for the development of new therapeutic strategies to promote successful aging, defined as low probability of disease, high cognitive and physical capacity and active engagement in life.

The best health strategy is to change the slope, the rate at which illness develops, postponing the clinical illness, and if it is postponed long enough, effectively preventing it.

In this regard, menopause become an opportunity and, at the same time, an obligation for clinicians and heath care providers. The knowledge of the physiology of reproductive aging and its long-term consequences for women’s health may underlie critical aspects of illness development. Together, medical intervention at this time of life may offers women years of benefit and a fascinating strategy for a successful aging.

Thus, in the aftermath of the Women’ Health Initiative studies, both the clinical and basic science communities were required to analyze and build up a sense on divergent results among experimental findings, observational data and randomized controlled trials. The scientific community formally debates the role of different HRT formulations, hormone doses, time of treatment initiation since the menopause and the age of treated women.

This eBook explores many aspects and current topics of menopause, from epidemiological definition to updated debates on the role of hormone therapy, analyzing the effects of hormones in critical targets, such as the cardiovascular tissue, the brain and the bone. The chapters are authored by outstanding investigators in the field who are recognized for their expertise.

For scientists, clinicians and students, this eBook provides extensive and valuable information and represents a useful instrument to understand and manage menopause successfully.

Andrea R. Genazzani, MD
University of Pisa


.Female Arousal and Orgasm: Anatomy, Physiology, Behaviour and Evolution.
.From Taboo to Wellness: The Facts behind Menopause.
.Pregnancy and Anti-Infective Agents.