Editors: Ricardo Dias, Rui Lima, Antonio A. Martins, Teresa M. Mata

Single and Two-Phase Flows on Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $314
Printed Copy: US $289
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-504-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-295-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080529501120101


Single and two-phase flows are ubiquitous in most natural process and engineering systems. Examples of systems or process include, packed bed reactors, either single phase or multiphase, absorber and adsorber separation columns, filter beds, plate heat exchangers, flow of viscoelastic fluids in polymer systems, or the enhanced recovery of oil, among others.

In each case the flow plays a central role in determining the system or process behavior and performance. A better understanding of the underlying physical phenomena and the ability to describe the phenomena properly are both crucial to improving design, operation and control processes involving the flow of fluids, ensuring that they will be more efficient and cost effective. Expanding disciplines such as microfluidics and the simulation of complex flow physical systems, such as blood flow in physiological networks, also rely heavily on accurate predictions of fluid flow.

Recent advances either in computational and experimental techniques are improving the existing knowledge of single and multiphase flows in engineering and physical systems of interest. This ebook is a review on the state-of-the-art and recent advances in critical areas of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena with respect to chemical and biomedical engineering applications.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, Scopus, EBSCO.


I am delighted to write the Foreword for this book, which captures the recent advances in both analytical and experimental techniques of describing accurately the single and multiphase flow phenomena in chemical engineering practice and biomedical systems.

In the chemical engineering arena, there is an interesting combination of chapters covering both fundamental and other applied studies. Fundamental studies focus on a wide variety of topics such as simulation of rarefied gas flow in porous media, mass transfer for soluble solids in a packed bed, tree shaped flow structures and constructal theory, interfacial area modeling in two-phase flows, etc. Other studies address the environmental topics of NOx abatement by selective catalytic reduction of NO by ammonia, and modeling of waste water treatment by combining CFD simulation with activated sludge models. Other CFD studies on chemical engineering side include super critical hydrogenation of edible oil and simulation of a viscoelastic fluid. Important area of mixing is covered by two articles, one dealing with the evolution of mixing science and its impact on chemical engineering, and the other dealing with a specific topic of turbulent mixing with chemical reaction. There are some interesting experimental studies reporting work on bubble column and packed beds.

In the biomedical arena a number of chapters cover many fascinating articles related to blood flow, ranging from pulse wave propagation in blood vessels to numerical simulation of blood flow in stenosed channels. Other chapters in this area which describe application of microfluidics to biological systems and biomedical applications are equally fascinating.

I would like to congratulate the editors for bringing these separate but complementary chapters together in a book form. It is also nice to see many multi-disciplinary teams from countries across the globe working together to produce these chapters. I hope that the reader will benefit from the breadth and depth of the range of chemical engineering and biomedical topics covered in these chapters.

Dr. Vishwas V. Wadekar
Technology Director, HTFS Research
AspenTech Ltd, Reading
United Kingdom


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