Editor: Hatim Machrafi

Green Energy and Technology

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $200
Printed Copy: US $175
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-422-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-285-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080528511120101


This E-book covers various topics and technologies involving energy systems that represent an effort to reduce environmental pollution and provide grounds for alternative or renewable energy sources. The E-book is a convergence point for state-of-the-art research with preliminary but confirmed results. Topics covered in this e-book include transport, electricity generation, bio-fuels, Homogenous Charge Combustion Ignition research, kinetics, thermodynamics, combustion, (photovoltaic) solar energy, biomass, hydrogen combustion, hydrogen stocking, wind power, wind energy, hydro-electric power plants and fuel cells. The interdisciplinary content combines energy source engineering, fuel technology and environmental chemistry. This E-book serves as a basic source of information on alternative energy for scientists, academics and industrialis ts, by promoting and disseminating knowledge about green energy concerns.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, Scopus, EBSCO.


This new book presents recent developments, state-of-the-art and progresses in the field of energy where efforts are done in order to improve the usability of energy systems, reducing their environmental impact. The book aims at providing researchers, academics, engineers and advanced students information and points of discussion, a platform for future improvements in green energy. Both theoretical and applied aspects are treated in this book. Many illustrations and mathematical equations as well as practical on-the-field applications are incorporated. This book aims at contributing to the increasing interest in reducing the environmental impact of energy as well as its further development.

Three parts are considered. The first part treats different energy applications and the efforts that are done in order to improve their impact on the environment. It deals with bio-energy, well-to-wheel analyses and heavy oils. Concerning bio-energy, the costs are evaluated under strict regulations imposed by a climate stabilization target, where a certain case is taken as example. The well-to-wheel energy analyses take into consideration a comprehensive study on greenhouse gases and certain criteria that concern the emissions in the case of hydrogen based fuel-cells. The second part deals with different kinds of renewable energy sources. The chapters discuss bioenergy, wind energy and solar energy. The use of biofuels is critically discussed. A real application and evaluation of wind energy is presented, by means of designing and optimalizing a wind power system. A detailed discussion about the generation of electricity by means of different kinds of solar energy is performed.

The third part puts emphasis on alternative energy processes for transport utilities. In this part, is discussed, amongst others, the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition combustion mode. Advantages and inconveniences are proposed. Wide and comprehensive studies on this combustion mode are presented. Both a large synthesis of available work and experimental results are used in an effort to discuss these advantages and inconveniences in order to propose possible solutions. Some examples are treated elaborately. Hydrogen-based combustion is discussed and its efficiency evaluated in detail. Elaborate studies and examples give a rather complete vision of the probable use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines and the different aspects that are to be examined are treated in detail. The commercialization of fuel-cells are investigated, giving trends and possible developments that can be envisaged. Finally, a philosophy of controlling the auto-ignition in an HCCI engine is presented. This philosophy is somewhat general and the outlines can also be used for the abovementioned transportation modes.

A rather general overview is given in this book, starting from different visions on reducing the impact of energy on the environment (green energy) and continuing on how this can be achieved (green technology). The different results and the available literature that is treated in various chapters in this book show that many researchers are investigating the efficient use of energy whilst looking for ways to decrease its impact on the environment. This shows the importance of such research and the work that remains to be done.

Hatim Machrafi
Université Paris 6
Université de Liège