Editor: Kakuro Amasaka

Science TQM, New Quality Management Principle: The Quality Management Strategy of Toyota

Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $131
Printed Copy: US $131
ISBN: 978-1-60805-423-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-282-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080528201120101


When we look at the quality management issues that have faced, both, in Japan and the rest of the world recently, it is clear that a next-generation quality management practice is required, featuring a rational approach that will motivate people and revitalize organizations. We need to reassess the way quality management is carried out in the manufacturing industry and establish ‘ Science Total Quality Management (TQM), new quality management principle,, as a next-generation management technology. In this e-book, the author proposes the ‘Science TQM, new quality management principle, aimed at the evolution of manufacturing, and demonstrates its effectiveness. This contemporary principle of Japanese management science - a scientific quality management method – has been the key to success in global production and facilitates globally consistent levels of quality and simultaneous production worldwide.

Specifically, Science TQM consists of several core technologies designed to address specific areas of corporate operations: the ‘Total Marketing System, TMS, for sales, the ‘Total Development System, TDS, for development and design, the ‘Total Production System, TPS, for production technology and manufacturing, and the ‘Total Intelligence Management System, TIS, and ‘Total Job Quality Management System, TJS, for administrative and managerial functions. These systems are then effectively linked through ‘ Science SQC, new quality control principle,, to rationally achieve strategic quality management.

The focus of this book is thus the theory and application of strategic quality management through the application of ‘Science TQM,. The effectiveness of Science TQM is then demonstrated at Toyota Motor Corporation -one of the world, s leading automotive manufacturing companies. The author, a leading ex-general manager of TQM promotion division of Toyota Motor Corporation, shows how to align them to develop competitive quality throughout the business process that covers from the creation of product concept through manufacturing and selling to delivery to clients by actual cases. This is an e-book to be benchmarked by research professionals and practitioners who are interested in developing competitive quality of their business in the prevailing global competition. This e-book is also strongly recommended to senior managers such has top level executives who are not directly involved in so-called quality management practices because quality is the outcome of the dynamics of most activities of the company as well as the kernel of competitiveness.

The essence of TQM is reflected in ‘Total Quality Management,. Science and technology, team work, collaboration with internal as well as external members, training and skill, data and information, knowledge, and organizational alignment are all important ingredients to be combined systematically and strategically. Linking all ingredients for quality in consistent and effective ways is a key to competitiveness.

Readers will find not only quality related practices, but also the linking capacity for executing TQM practices as well as understand the implicit scientific, behavioral and organizational insights necessary to achieve real quality.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Science, Social Sciences & Humanities, EBSCO.


When we loose our passion for science–our inquisitiveness–we often end up postponing problems that need to be addressed, wasting time with constant trial-and-error efforts.

The result is that the same problems occur over and over again as we get caught up in the work right in front of us. The number of task supervisors increases and the organization as a whole loses its drive to come out on top–and actions without substance begin to pervade the company.

When we look at the quality management issues that have faced both Japan and the rest of the world recently, it is clear that a next-generation quality management technology, featuring a rational overhaul that will motivate people and revitalize organizations, is urgently needed.

Japanese corporations–who by all rights should be leading global production–are seeing an increase in recalls. They seem to be losing a grip on the scientific quality management methods that were once an exclusive feature of Japanese quality management practices. These are warning signs that existing quality management technology must be reinforced.

In order to put a stop to empty imitation and keep pace with advancing technology, now is the time to reformulate the principles of quality management–those that have led the world and are uniquely Japanese–into a new quality management principle that will take hold in the next generation.

The author revisits the importance of scientific quality management in order to create “Science TQM, New Quality Management Principle”. The effectiveness of Science TQM is then demonstrated at Toyota Motor Corporation–one of the world, s leading companies.

Kakuro Amasaka
College of Science and Engineering
Aoyama Gakuin University
Tokyo, Japan