Series Title: Rethinking Research and Professional Practices in Terms of Relationality, Subjectivity and Power

Poststructuralism at Work with Marginalised Children

Volume 3

eBook: US $21 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $87
Printed Copy: US $76
Library License: US $84
ISSN: 2210-2833 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-707-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-278-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080527831110101


This book aims at developing the capacity to apply poststructuralism in a setting where other discourses are dominant. It focuses on working both with students categorized as 'emotionally/behaviourally disordered' and their teachers in the context of a special education school. This unique work comes to understandings, using poststructuralist theory, about what it means to be positioned in the world as emotionally/behaviourally disordered.

Using these understandings it then looks at developing strategies for working with students and staff to enable them to become people who can begin to understand the multiple and contradictory discourses shaping them and shaping the social world they inhabit, such that they begin to develop strategies to undo their marginal positioning.

Indexed in: Scopus, EBSCO., Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.


- Pp. i
Valerie Walkerdine
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- Pp. ii-v (4)
Bronwyn Davies
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- Pp. vi
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws
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Researching Special Schools: A Poststructuralist Approach

- Pp. 3-26 (24)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws

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Discourses at Work: Examining the Dominant Discourses in the Special Education of Students Positioned as Emotionally/Behavioural

- Pp. 27-50 (24)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws

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The Mad: Being Positioned as ‘Mad’ and Counteracting that Positioning

- Pp. 51-70 (20)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws

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The Bad: Being Positioned as ‘Bad’ and Counteracting that Positioning

- Pp. 71-91 (21)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws

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The Sad: Being Positioned as ‘Sad’ and Counteracting that Positioning

- Pp. 92-112 (21)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws

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Counteracting Dominant Discourses: Using Poststructuralist Theory to Bring about Change

- Pp. 113-140 (28)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws

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- Pp. 141-143 (3)
Bronwyn Davies, Cath Laws
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