Author: Lawrence M. Agius

Theory in the Pathophysiology of Carcinogenesis

eBook: US $21 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $73
Printed Copy: US $62
Library License: US $84
ISBN: 978-1-60805-640-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-266-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080526601110101


This e-book explains the essential role of angiogenesis in the progression and spread of the neoplasm, including the mechanics of initial carcinogenesis in promoting malignant transformation. The e-book deals with specific categories or subtypes of tumors with some emphasis on astrocytomas and glioblastoma multiforme. The process of carcinogenesis has been re-interpreted in terms of deranged physiologic principles and hence reference is made to what upsets homeostatic mechanisms. Readers of this e-book will have an opportunity to appreciate the essential role of angiogenesis not only in progression and spread of the neoplasm but especially also in the mechanics of initial carcinogenesis in promoting malignant transformation. This e-book should be a useful reference for scholars and clinicians interested in learning about cancer pathophysiology.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Lawrence M. Agius
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- Pp. iii
Lawrence M. Agius
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Regionality of Anti-Apoptosis Predetermines Pro-Neoplastic Biology of Cell Proliferation as Induced Metastatic Spread

- Pp. 3-8 (6)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Contrasting Profiles of High Grade Gliomas as Malignant Transformation of the Individual Neoplastic Astrocyte

- Pp. 9-15 (7)
Lawrenc M. Agius

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Increments in Cellular Proliferation as Defining Index in Dysplasia and Malignant Transformation in Ulcerative Colitis--Amplifying Attributes of Neogenesis

- Pp. 16-21 (6)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Hypothetical Simple Transfer Mechanics as Malignant Transformation and as Infiltrative and Metastatic Neoplastic Potential

- Pp. 22-27 (6)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Integral Composite of Malignant Transformation and Metastatic Potentiality in Osteosarcoma

- Pp. 28-34 (7)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Aberrant Cell Cycling Potentiates Genetic Instability in Astrocytoma Transformation

- Pp. 35-43 (9)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Peritoneal Implantation as Integral Non-Sequential Events in Susceptibility to Ovarian Carcinogenesis

- Pp. 44-48 (5)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Transition Dynamics of In Situ Carcinogenesis

- Pp. 49-51 (3)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Basic and Implied Formulation of Tumor Angiogenesis as Template Constructs

- Pp. 52-62 (11)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Dimensions of Malignant Lymphomatous Transformation in Immunodeficiency

- Pp. 63-64 (2)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Dimensionality of the Carcinogenesis Patterns in De-Evolution

- Pp. 65-72 (8)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Integral Tissue Participation in Carcinogenesis

- Pp. 73-74 (2)
Lawrence M. Agius

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Source of Permutation in Genotoxicity in Malignant Transformation

- Pp. 75-78 (4)
Lawrence M. Agius

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- Pp. 79-80 (2)
Lawrence M. Agius
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.Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents.
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