Editors: Chris E. Stout, Matt Kruger , Jeff Rogers

Current Perspectives in Clinical Treatment and Management in Workers’ Compensation Cases

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $153
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $176
ISBN: 978-1-60805-659-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-251-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080525161110101


This ebook integrates all aspects of medical care relevant to worker compensation. It explains benefits of the application of evidence-based approaches to worker compensation care. Improved outcomes of such approaches include less risky treatments, faster healing, and good return to work experience. It also points towards designing a better health care system with a focus on the economy, healthcare policy and change, and growing innovation in medical practice.

The ebook should serve as a significantly important reference tool for several working professionals in healthcare systems as well as for students and trainees.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, Social Sciences & Humanities, Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO.


- Pp. i
Gregory F. Steil
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- Pp. ii
Chris E. Stout, Matt k, Jeffrey Rogers
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-vi (4)
Chris E. Stout, Matt k, Jeffrey Rogers
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About The Authors

- Pp. vii-xiii (7)
Robert Aurbach
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Key Words

- Pp. xiv
Chris E. Stout, Matt k, Jeffrey Rogers
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- Pp. 1-3 (3)
Chris E. Stout

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A Method and Model to Judge Evidence-Bases for Workers’ Compensation

- Pp. 4-10 (7)
Chris E. Stout

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Workers’ Compensation Care is Not the Norm: Why It Is Different

- Pp. 11-17 (7)
Jeff Rogers

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What’s Not Worked for 50 - 60 Years

- Pp. 18-25 (8)
Matt Kruger, Jeff Rogers, Chris E. Stout, Jillian Richardson

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Ethical Challenges in Working with Workers’ Compensation Patents

- Pp. 26-38 (13)
Matt Kruger, Jeff Rogers, Chris E. Stout

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Comorbidities and Workers’ Compensation: Responsive Approaches to Work Hardening and Conditioning

- Pp. 39-50 (12)
Matt Kruger, Jeff Rogers, Chris E. Stout, Maureen Kohl Bennington

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Report of International Workers’ Compensation Survey

- Pp. 51-119 (69)
Matt Kruger, Jeff Rogers, Chris E. Stout, Hema Burra, Jillian Richardson

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Getting Justice: The Unintended Consequences of the Dispute Resolution System

- Pp. 120-144 (25)
Robert M. Aurbach

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A Respondent’s Perspective of the Workers’ Compensation System

- Pp. 145-150 (6)
Martha Gely-Kruto

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Performance Based Compensation: ‘Just What The Doctor Ordered’ For Workers’ Compensation

- Pp. 151-165 (15)
Gregory Krohm

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Closing the Nightmare Claim: Practical Approaches for Ending the Most Difficult Workers’ Compensation Cases

- Pp. 166-173 (8)
Richard W. Lenkov

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Practical Application of Outcomes-Based Networks

- Pp. 174-179 (6)
Gregory Moore

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The Ethics of Clinical Guidelines and Other Tales of Evidence-Based Practice: Points and Counter-Points

- Pp. 180-185 (6)
Joseph Paduda

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The Anatomy of a Disaster Workers’ Compensation Case, How Defending a Claim Turns a Small Case into a Monster

- Pp. 186-190 (5)
Kim Edward Presbrey

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Advances in Laser Therapy for the Treatment of Work Related Injuries

- Pp. 191-201 (11)
Brian A. Pryor

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Persistent Problems in Clinical Practice

- Pp. 202-208 (7)
Peter Rousmaniere

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How Medical Practice Patterns Vary for Low Back Conditions

- Pp. 209-221 (13)
Dongchun Wang, Kathryn L. Mueller, Dean Hashimoto, Sharon Belton, Richard A. Victor
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Appendix-A (APTA Workers' Compensation State Resource Guide)

- Pp. 222-232 (11)
Chris E. Stout, Matt Kruger, Jeffrey Rogers

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Appendix B (Survey Questionnaire)

- Pp. 233-239 (7)
Chris E. Stout, Matt Kruger, Jeffrey Rogers

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Appendix C (Fee Schedules for Workers’ Compensation)

- Pp. 240-244 (5)
Chris E. Stout, Jeffrey Rogers, Matt Kruger

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Appendix D (Workers’ Compensation Publication List)

- Pp. 245-248 (4)
Chris E. Stout, Jeffrey Rogers, Matt Kruger

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Author Index

- Pp. 249-251 (3)
Chris E. Stout, Jeffrey Rogers, Matt Kruger
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Subject Index

- Pp. 252-255 (4)
Chris E. Stout, Jeffrey Rogers, Matt Kruger
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