Author: Dirk C. Gibson

Commercial Space Tourism: Impediments to Industrial Development and Strategic Communication Solutions

eBook: US $24 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $155
Printed Copy: US $143
Library License: US $96
ISBN: 978-1-60805-430-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-239-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080523941120101


The general themes of this analysis of the commercial space tourism industry include three main topics; 1) Benefits of commercial space tourism to numerous stakeholders, 2) The viability of commercial space tourism 3) existing public relations solutions for virtually all impediments to commercial space tourism.

Initially, development of a viable commercial space tourism industry would provide substantial economic benefits. A second factor is that the primary impediments to commercial space tourism industrial development are amenable to public relations solutions.

For space industrial development to be successful, it will take a delicate balance of satisfying state, local and federal policy makers. Many federal regulatory agencies are involved that have jurisdiction over commercial space. Economic policy is also a factor as the public and politicians deal with resource allocation issues. The public will expect commercial space and tourism to create economic growth and jobs as well. A book addressing these issues and offering solutions to these topics in space tourism and policy will be unique to the industry.

This e-book is a useful guide for readers who are personally and/or professionally interested in commercial space tourism and related commercial space ventures, and those interested in astronautics, space development and similar public policy issues in general. Readers also interested in aeronautics, as well as regulatory agencies and legislatures will also benefit from this e-book.


The new millennium was accompanied by the nascent era of a new and exciting industry unprecedented in the human experience: space tourism. We have witnessed in this past decade the emergence of the space tourism industry which has been characterized by the frenetic proliferation of companies whose aim is to develop reusable launch vehicles intended to provide voyages to suborbital space. The space tourism industry enjoyed the benefits of a stable economy for the better part of the past decade which allowed and encouraged an expectation of success on the part of both the industry participants i.e. the developers of the vehicles, and the target market, or the space tourists. Consequently, the literature regarding this industry has evolved into a genre typified by positive expectation and enthusiastic advocacy. While this characteristic is somewhat desirable as a driver for the space tourism market, it lacks the necessary and appropriate objectivity needed for a realistic and ultimately supportive assesment of the industry.

Unfortunately, the burgeoning economy which permitted such enthusiastic expectations for the space tourism market no longer exists. The drastic change in the economy is sure to impact the evolution of at least some parts of the space tourism market. Because of this change in the market and the impact that this change could have on the evolution of space tourism, this publication comes at a useful and critical time. Now is the time for an objective critique of the industry and the solicitation of helpful and creative solutions for obstacles that the industry is facing or might face in the future.

This publication does exactly that: it objectively and critically evaluates the space tourism industry and it then proposes both helpful solutions and tactics to implement those solutions intended to address industry impediments. This is primarily an academic endeavor: it critiques space tourism from different perspectives. Dirk Gibson has extensively researched the topic and provides a lengthy repertoire of sources and citations that ensure a thorough grasp of, and background in, the industry. This eBook is divided into two main sections. In the first part, Gibson provides a fairly traditional evaluation of the arguments for and against the activity of space tourism. However this evaluation is distinct because the purely academic dialectic is devoid of the characteristic advocacy of previous attempts. Gibson provides academic objectivity and emotional uninvolvement that many of this publication’s predecessors are lacking in.

The second part of the eBook renders this publication even more of an anomaly from other publications of this genre. Gibson utilizes his background in public relations to develop and propose a series of "strategic communication solutions to the major obstacles facing space tourism". Again, Gibson engages in an objective and critical academic approach; suggesting solutions that the space tourism industry can utilize as a community for overcoming the many obstacles that it faces in being embraced and supported by the general public. Gibson identifies a numerous list of impediments that the industry faces or could face; followed by a corresponding list of solutions aimed at removing those impediments. He then discusses and critiques these solutions and their possible efficacy. Lastly, Gibson identifies some tactics for implementing these solutions. The net results of this process renders (insert title) an objective and eclectic investigation into the domain of space tourism, and a potential resource for industry participants.

It is an honor to be writing the forward to this publication. I find it poignant and serendipitous that emerging out of New Mexico are two premier features that will support and promote the space tourism industry: the Spaceport of America, and this publication by Dirk Gibson.

John George
Greco Law Group, in Las Vegas


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