Editor: Alberto Conde-Taboada

Dermatological Treatments

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $235
Printed Copy: US $210
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-431-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-234-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080523491120101


Dermatological treatments have changed continuously throughout recent decades. Old drugs are recognized as being effective in new indications and new methods of dosage or application have been reported. Novel drugs have also changed the therapeutic approach in numerous diseases, improving patient health and quality of life. Conversely, new adverse reactions, drug interactions and unfamiliar risks have also increased. This e-book organizes information about different treatments available for treating dermatological conditions, focusing on a practical approach and systematizing drug interactions, adverse events, and patterns of intake or application.

This e-book is comprised of 3 sections, based on the way the treatment is applied: topical treatments, systemic treatments and physical therapies. Topical therapy is probably the most important mode to treat diseases of skin, releasing the active drug directly on the affected area. Both local and global effects can be achieved, as well as different adverse reactions are sometimes obtained. Systemic treatments are important in dermatology in conditions affecting a huge surface or when a potent means of therapy is needed. Physical therapies are highly specific in nature with respect to skin diseases, using different light sources combined with several substances to obtain the desired effect on epidermal structures. Every section contains several chapters dedicated to the different groups of drugs. Specific emphasis is given to the practical usage of each drug with comprehensive tables facilitating the information.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, Web of Science, BIOSIS Previews, Scopus, EBSCO.


- Pp. i
Eduardo López Bran, Carlos de la Torre
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- Pp. ii
Alberto Conde-Taboada
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-v (3)
Alberto Conde-Taboada
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Basics of Topical Therapy

- Pp. 3-22 (20)
Franklin K. Akomeah, Tahir Nazir

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Moisturizing and Keratolytic Agents

- Pp. 23-34 (12)
Raquel Pardavila Riveiro, Celia Posada García

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Topical Corticosteroids

- Pp. 35-72 (38)
Ana Batalla Cebey, Beatriz Aranegui

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Topical Antimicrobials

- Pp. 73-124 (52)
Arantxa García-Cruz, Ana Batalla Cebey

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Topical Retinoids

- Pp. 125-152 (28)
Beatriz Aranegui, Aránzazu García-Cruz

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Topical Immunomodulators

- Pp. 153-190 (38)
Alberto Conde-Taboada, Beatriz González-Sixto, Alicia Pérez Bustillo

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Systemic Corticosteroids

- Pp. 192-209 (18)
Esther Díez Recio, Adriana Martín Fuentes

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Systemic Antimicrobials: Antibiotics, Antifungals, Antivirals, Antiparasitics

- Pp. 210-260 (51)
Celia Posada García, Raquel Pardavila Riveiro

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Systemic Retinoids

- Pp. 261-274 (14)
Beatriz Aranegui, Alberto Conde-Taboada

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Fumaric Acid Esters

- Pp. 275-285 (11)
Paula Dávila-Seijo

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Immunosuppressants and Antimetabolites

- Pp. 286-365 (80)
Ana Molina-Ruiz, Marta Mazaira-Fernández

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Biological Treatments: A. Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors and B. Alefacept, Ustekinumab, Rituximab

- Pp. 366-402 (37)
Alberto Conde-Taboada, Pablo De la Cueva Dobao

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Miscellanea: Antihistamines, Dapsone, Antimalarials

- Pp. 403-433 (31)
Alejandro Fueyo-Casado

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Phototherapy and Photochemotherapy

- Pp. 434-463 (30)
Cristina Martínez-Morán, Anastasia Alejandra Garrido-Ríos

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Photodynamic Therapy in Dermatology

- Pp. 464-486 (23)
Javier Pedraz Muñoz, Nuria Díez-Caballero Pascual

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Extracorporeal Photochemotherapy

- Pp. 487-493 (7)
Begoña Echeverría-García, Magalys Vitiello

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- Pp. 494-513 (20)
Eugenia Mayo Pampín

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.Common Lip Diseases: A Clinical Guide.
. Morphea and Related Disorders.
.Natural Products for Treatment of Skin and Soft Tissue Disorders.
.Natural Products for Skin Diseases: A Treasure Trove for Dermatologic Therapy.