Editors: Juan M. Górriz, Elmar W. Lang , Javier Ramírez

Recent Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing

eBook: US $89 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $182
Printed Copy: US $137
Library License: US $356
ISBN: 978-1-60805-570-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-218-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080521891110101


Biomedical signal processing is a rapidly expanding field with a wide range of applications, from the construction of artificial limbs and aids for disabilities to the development of sophisticated medical imaging systems. Acquisition and processing of biomedical signals has become more important to the physician. The main reasons for this development are the growing complexity of the biomedical examinations, the increasing necessity of comprehensive documentation and the need for automation in order to reduce costs. Analysis of signals accomplished by humans has many limitations, therefore, computer analysis of these signals could provide objective strength to diagnoses; however, the development of an algorithm for biomedical signal analysis is a significant challenge. This ebook will cover biomedical signal processing as used in both therapeutic and diagnostic instrumentation. A number of current research projects are also outlined with emphasis on intelligent medical image diagnosis. This book should be a valuable reference for researchers, professionals and technical experts working in the fields of Biomedical Signal processing (BSP) including applications, filtering and registration techniques, reconstruction and normalization algorithms, technical experts requiring an understanding of processing and analyzing biomedical signals, as well as postgraduate students working on image processing and novel signal processing paradigms applied to BSP.

About the Editors'

- Pp. i
Juan Manuel Górriz, Elmar W. Lang, Javier Ramírez
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- Pp. ii
Jose Principe
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- Pp. iii
Juan Manuel Górriz, Elmar W. Lang, Javier Ramírez
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- Pp. iv-xiii (10)
Juan Manuel Górriz, Elmar W. Lang, Javier Ramírez
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Decomposition Techniques In Neuroscience

- Pp. 1-25 (25)
M. De Vos, Lieven De Lathauwer, S. Van Huffel

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Exploratory Matrix Factorization Techniques for Large Scale Biomedical Data Sets

- Pp. 26-47 (22)
E.W. Lang, R. Schachtner, D. Lutter, D. Herold, A. Kodewitz, F. Blochl, F. J. Theis, I. R. Keck, J.M Gorriz Saezd, P. Gomez, P. Gomez Vildae, A. M. Tomec

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Subspace Techniques and Biomedical Time Series Analysis

- Pp. 48-59 (12)
A. M. Tome, A. R. Teixeira, E. W. Lang

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Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques for Biomedical Time Series Analysis

- Pp. 60-81 (22)
A. Zeiler, R. Faltermeier, M. Bohm, I. R. Keck, A.M. Tome, C. G. Puntonet, A. Brawanski, E.W. Lang

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A Comparison between Univariate and Multivariate Supervised Learning for Classification of SPECT Images

- Pp. 82-94 (13)
F. Segovia, J. M. Gorriz, J. Ramirez, D. Salas-Gonzalez, I. A. Illan, M. Lopez, R. Chaves, P. Padilla

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Functional Brain Image Preprocessing For Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems

- Pp. 95-106 (12)
R. Chaves, D. Salas-Gonzalez, J. Ramirez, J. M. Gorriz, M. Lopez, I. Alvarez, F. Segoviaa

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Functional Image Classification Techniques For Early Alzheimer’s Disease Detection

- Pp. 107-122 (16)
I. Alvarez-Illan, Miriam M. Lopez, J. M. Gorriz, J. Ramirez, F. Segovia, D. Salas-Gonzalez, R. Chaves, C. G. Puntonet

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Time-Frequency Analysis of MEG activity in Alzheimer’s Disease

- Pp. 123-140 (18)
J. Poza, R. Hornero

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Machine Learning Approach for Myotonic Dystrophy Diagnostic Support from MRI

- Pp. 141-148 (8)
Alexandre Savio, Maite Garcia-Sebastian, Andone Sistiaga, Darya Chyzhyk, Esther Fernandez, Fermin Moreno, Elsa Fernandez, Manuel Grana, Jorge Villanua, Adolfo Lopez de Munain

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Finding Gold in The Dirt - Biomedical Artifacts in The Light of ICA

- Pp. 149-156 (8)
I. R. Keck, V. Fischer, C. G. Puntonet, A. M.Tome, E. W. Lang

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Are We to Integrate Previous Information into Microarray Analyses? Interpretation of a Lmx1b-Knockout Experiment

- Pp. 157-170 (14)
Florian Blochl, Anne Rascle, Jurgen Kastner, Ralph Witzgall, Elmar W. Lang, Fabian J. Theis

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Mixed Effects Models for Single-Trial ERP Detection in Noninvasive Brain Computer Interface Design

- Pp. 171-180 (10)
Yonghong Huang, Deniz Erdogmus, Kenneth Hild II, Misha Pavel, Santosh Mathan

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Learning Sparse Similarity Functions for Heart Wall Motion Abnormality Detection

- Pp. 181-190 (10)
Glenn Fung

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Using Spatial Diversity in the Estimation of Atrial Fibrillatory Activity from the Electrocardiogram

- Pp. 191-215 (25)
R. Phlypo, P. Bonizzi, O. Meste, V. Zarzoso

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Ultrasound Image Analysis. Methods and Applications

- Pp. 216-230 (15)
J. Marti, A. Gubern-Merida, J. Massich, A. Oliver, J. C. Vilanova, J. Comet, E. Perez, M. Arzoz, R. Marti

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Reconstruction and Analysis of Intravascular Ultrasound Sequences

- Pp. 231-250 (20)
Francesco Ciompi, Carlo Gatta, Oriol Pujol, Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Josepa Mauri Ferre, Petia Radeva

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Human Body Position Monitoring

- Pp. 251-268 (18)
Alberto Olivares, J. M. Gorriz, J. Ramirez, Gonzalo Olivares

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- Pp. 269-271 (3)
Juan M. Gorriz, Elmar W. Lang, Javier Ramirez
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