Editor: Shunji Wakamiya

Hospital End User Computing in Japan How to Use FileMaker Pro with Hospital Information Systems

eBook: US $24 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $143
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $96
ISBN: 978-1-60805-558-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-216-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080521651120101


Organizational computing has been critical to the development of medical informatics. Many end user applications (EUAs), such as FileMaker Pro, have been applied to support medical staff work at hospitals in Japan recently.

This e-book describes how to use FileMaker Pro with hospital information systems (HISs). EUAs are described with relation to tools used for development, their functions, coordination methods with HIS, how to use them, their effectiveness, and their problems. While not all of the applications fulfill complete requirements for RASIS, and are not established, they give us new perspectives regarding HISs. This e-book also provides readers with various suggestions on how to use HISs more effectively, how to coordinate EUAs with HIS, how to manage end user applications, and how to achieve clinical effectiveness with EUAs.

This volume is specialized in the use of FileMaker Pro at hospitals and all of the developers of FileMaker Pro systems. The respective authors are medical doctors at various departments of hospitals in contrast to conventional developers who are usually unfamiliar with medical information requirements. These two features make this e-book more clinically significant and facilitate end users to handle HISs more easily.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, Scopus, EBSCO.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Michio Kimura
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- Pp. iii-iv (2)
Shunji Wakamiya, Kazunobu Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v-vii (3)
Shunji Wakamiya, Kazunobu Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara
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Definition and Classification of End User Computing in This Book

- Pp. 3-5 (3)
Shunji Wakamiya, Kazunobu Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tsukasa Tsunoda, Osamu Sato

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Construction of a Clinical Decision Support System

- Pp. 6-24 (19)
Yasuhito Yamamoto

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Bi-Directional Integration Between EMR and FileMaker

- Pp. 25-38 (14)
Shigeru Yoshida

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Document-Oriented Computing-Based System

- Pp. 39-49 (11)
Akira Ohtahara

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Hospital Information System at Osaka National Hospital: Input/Output and Reference System Using FileMaker

- Pp. 50-70 (21)
Atsuhiko Okagaki

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Integration Between Hospital Information Systems and FileMaker Pro

- Pp. 71-78 (8)
Tetsu Nakamura

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Gradual Implementation of Local Medical Information System Within Hospital Using FileMaker Pro®: New Insights on Physician and Clinical Stuff Adaptation

- Pp. 79-88 (10)
Kazutoshi Matsunami

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A Medical Information Management System by Medics, For Medics, Built With Filemaker and Incorporated into the Hospital Information System

- Pp. 89-106 (18)
Shinsuke Hiramatsu

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Small System Suitable For Team Working With Diabetes Mellitus Patients

- Pp. 107-121 (15)
Tatsuhiko Koga, Hiroshi Hara

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Improvement of Workflows in Health Screening For Employees by Making Use of Existing Systems and FileMaker Pro

- Pp. 122-135 (14)
Shunji Wakamiya, Kazunobu Yamauchi

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Merits and Demerits in End User Computing Based Online Incident Reporting Application Made With FileMaker Pro in Comparison With Organized Computing Based Counterpart

- Pp. 136-146 (11)
Shunsuke Hotokezaka

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The World of Software Developed by Medical Staff

- Pp. 147-148 (2)
Shunji Wakamiya, Kazunobu Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tsukasa Tsunoda, Osamu Sato

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End User Computing and FileMaker Pro Observed From the Viewpoint of Hospital Information System Management

- Pp. 149-158 (10)
Yoshimune Shiratori

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- Pp. 159-163 (5)
Shunji Wakamiya, Kazunobu Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara
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