Author: E. E. Escultura

Scientific Natural Philosophy

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Library License: US $96
ISBN: 978-1-60805-701-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-178-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080517861110101


Scientific Natural Philosophy explains the nature and content of scientific natural philosophy, particularly qualitative modeling, and updates scientific methodology by providing details of the mathematics involved. The book presents a total view of our universe, from the fractal superstring to its destiny as black holes back in to dark matter, and to the timeless and boundless ‘Universe’ where our universe is a local super, super galaxy. It stresses the various levels of complementarity between qualitative and quantitative modeling where the former solves and answers questions the latter could not and duality between quantum and macro gravity. It highlights new information from the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) missing in previous philosophical works such as the indestructible generalized nested fractal superstring, brain waves as common medium of the brain and gene for their functions. Moreover, it points to a new technological epoch brought about by the GUT based on utilization of dark matter towards elevating the quality of life. This comprehensive book provides an exciting perspective on this fascinating field to the reader. explains the nature and content of scientific natural philosophy, particularly qualitative modeling, and updates scientific methodology by providing details of the mathematics involved. The book presents a total view of our universe, from the fractal superstring to its destiny as black holes back in to dark matter, and to the timeless and boundless ‘Universe’ where our universe is a local super, super galaxy. It stresses the various levels of complementarity between qualitative and quantitative modeling where the former solves and answers questions the latter could not and duality between quantum and macro gravity. It highlights new information from the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) missing in previous philosophical works such as the indestructible generalized nested fractal superstring, brain waves as common medium of the brain and gene for their functions. Moreover, it points to a new technological epoch brought about by the GUT based on utilization of dark matter towards elevating the quality of life. This comprehensive book provides an exciting perspective on this fascinating field to the reader. explains the nature and content of scientific natural philosophy, particularly qualitative modeling, and updates scientific methodology by providing details of the mathematics involved. The book presents a total view of our universe, from the fractal superstring to its destiny as black holes back in to dark matter, and to the timeless and boundless ‘Universe’ where our universe is a local super, super galaxy. It stresses the various levels of complementarity between qualitative and quantitative modeling where the former solves and answers questions the latter could not and duality between quantum and macro gravity. It highlights new information from the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) missing in previous philosophical works such as the indestructible generalized nested fractal superstring, brain waves as common medium of the brain and gene for their functions. Moreover, it points to a new technological epoch brought about by the GUT based on utilization of dark matter towards elevating the quality of life. This comprehensive book provides an exciting perspective on this fascinating field to the reader.


Scientific natural philosophy is distinguished from previous philosophies for being based on the grand unified theory (GUT). Its methodology of qualitative modeling explains how nature works, while quantitative modeling describes nature’s appearances mathematically. Therefore, GUT can be understood only as self-contained unified physical theory based on the laws of nature. However, the two methodologies are complementary, each indispensable to the other.

Chapter 1 deals with the foundations of mathematics and physics. Chapter 2 surveys the classical and new mathematics involved in the development of GUT but provides full details on the new real number system. Chapter 3 is the formulation of GUT through its three pillars – quantum and macro gravity and thermodynamics. Chapter 4 offers a wide range of applications of GUT from the theory of intelligence and the Earth sciences through astronomy, cosmology, biology, physical psychology, genetic engineering for the treatment of genetic diseases and optimal control theory through the integrated Pontrjagin maximum principle in the derivation of the quantitative component of the solution of the n-body problem. Chapter 5, the final and main chapter, provides the philosophical integration and summation of this work. Except for Chapter 2 the book is accessible to the general readership.

The author acknowledges with deep appreciation the contributions of colleagues, Professors C. G. Jesudason of the University of Malaya, for sustained debate on GUT, E. de la Cruz of California State University, Northridge, for constructive criticisms, and V. Gudkov of the University of Latvia for continued support and collaboration, all of whom contributed immensely to this book. Most of all, greatly indebted to Professor V. Lakshmikantham for paving the way to the frontiers of mathematics and science.

E. E. Escultura
Research Professor
GVP - V. Lakshmikantham Institute for Advanced Studies
GVP College of Engineering, JNT University, Madurawada Visakhapatnam 530041 AP


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