Editors: Atta-ur-Rahman, Iqbal Choudhary

Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery

Volume 1

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $397
Printed Copy: US $375
Library License: US $176
ISSN: 2451-8395 (Print)
ISSN: 1879-6656 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-626-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-161-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2010
DOI: 10.2174/97816080516181100101


Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery” is an eBook series devoted to publishing the latest and the most important advances in Anti-Cancer drug design and discovery. Eminent scientists write contributions on all areas of rational drug design and drug discovery including medicinal chemistry, in-silico drug design, combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, drug targets, recent important patents, and structure-activity relationships. The eBook series should prove to be of interest to all pharmaceutical scientists involved in research in Anti-Cancer drug design and discovery. Each volume is devoted to the major advances in Anti-Cancer drug design and discovery. The eBook series is essential reading to all scientists involved in drug design and discovery who wish to keep abreast of rapid and important developments in the field.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, BIOSIS Previews, EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.


Cancer has been a major challenge for health researchers, health care providers, and managers. The increasing incidence of cancer, both in the developed and the developing world, is attributed to longer life spans, life style changes, and environmental factors. Many of the blockbuster anti-cancer drugs of the past are slowly becoming ineffective or undesirable due to acquired resistance of cancer cells, and associated chronic toxicity. This situation demands vigorous efforts in the field of drug development for treatment and prevention. Although mortality due to cancer remains very high, spectacular advances have been made in the discovery of new anti-cancer drugs in recent years. This has been largely due to an enhanced understanding of this group of diseases at a molecular level in the post-genomic period. Not only have new approaches towards the cancer treatment been debated and agreed upon, but new targets and novel classes of anti-cancer compounds have also been discovered.

Volume 1 of this book series entitled "Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery", is a compilation of thirty well written reviews contributed by leading researchers in this field from all across the world. The chapters contain in this volume are the updated version of articles published in Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery. These reviews can be broadly classified into four categories:

  1. a. Inhibitors of key enzymes in cancer progression,
  2. b. Inhibitors of angiogenesis and other vascular growth factors,
  3. c. Novel classes of natural and synthetic anti-cancer compounds, and
  4. d. Reviews of recent patents on various aspects of cancer treatment.

This volume reflects the complexities involved in tackling this disease and current efforts to control it. It is hoped that this volume and subsequent volumes of this series of books will benefit the scientific community, both in academia and in industry, by fulfilling their needs of comprehensive reviews on recent developments covering different important aspects of cancer drug discovery and development.

We wish to extend our warmest thanks to the staff members of Bentham Science Publishers, including Mr. Mahmood Alam (Managing Director), Ms. Samina Khan (Senior Manager), Ms. Taqdees Malik (Assistant Manager) and Ms. Sadaf Idrees Khan (Composer). They all have made key contributions to the publication of this volume.

Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS
Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary


.AI Innovations in Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Advancing Therapy through Technology.
.Novel Drug Delivery Systems (Part 2).
.Novel Drug Delivery Systems (Part 1).
.Computer-Aided Drug Discovery Methods: A Brief Introduction.