Editor: Eugenia N. Petropoulou

Some Recent Advances in Partial Difference Equations

eBook: US $22 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $110
Printed Copy: US $99
Library License: US $88
ISBN: 978-1-60805-703-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-152-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2010
DOI: 10.2174/97816080515261100101


Lately there is an increasing interest in partial difference equations demonstrated by the enormous amount of research papers devoted to them. The initial reason for this increasing interest was the development of computers and the area of numerical analysis, where partial difference equations arise naturally when discretizing a partial differential equation. The aim of this e-book is to provide some recent advances in the field of partial difference equations. Applications of partial difference equations in numerical analysis and systems theory are also presented. This e-book will be of use to high level undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers working in the area of partial difference equations.


Eugenia N. Petropoulou
University of Patras

Patricia J. Y. Wong
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore , 639798

Eugenia N. Petropoulou
Department of Engineering Sciences
Division of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, University of Patras
Patras, 26500

Panayiotis D. Siafarikas
Department of Mathematics
Division of Applied Analysis, University of Patras
Patras, 26500

Josef Hekrdla
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical university
Technika 2
Paraha 6
166 27
Czech Republic

Jiří Gregor
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical university
Technika 2, 166 27 Paraha 6
Czech Republic

Efstratios E. Tzirtzilakis
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Water Resources
Technological Educational Institute of Messolongi
Messolongi, 30200

Nikolas G. Kafoussias
Section of Applied Analysis, University of Patras
Patras, 26500


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.Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications II: with Maple Illustrations.
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