Editor: Danilo A. Baltieri

Drugs, Sex and Crime – Empirical Contributions

Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $75
Printed Copy: US $75
ISBN: 978-1-60805-622-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-070-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2009
DOI: 10.2174/97816080507031090101


This book covers some recent researches on the interface between drug misuse and crime and demonstrates that some types of violent crimes are more intimately related to alcohol and / or drug consumption. It is written for researchers, health and law professionals engaged in the evaluation, management and treatment of different types of offenders. It is organized by a number of phenomena that are known (or supposed) to link drugs and crime. This book shows that the application of punishment under the guise of deterrence, despite its ineffectiveness, is frequently preferred to a more adequate management for some types of offenders. This book provides ten manuscripts that describe different aspects of the relationship between drugs and crimes, always focusing on Brazilian reality. It shows that a partnership between specialized mental health professionals, lawyers and policy makers is urgent with respect to this subject in Brazil and other countries.


Danilo A. Baltieri
Department of Psychiatry
ABC Medical School

André Malbergier
Psychiatrist, Master of Public Health (University of Illinois at Chicago). Professor of the Department of Psychiatry – Medical School
University of São Paulo, Coordinator of GREA – Group of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

Arthur Guerra de Andrade
Psychiatrist, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine,
University of Sao Paulo,
São Paulo
Full Professor in Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, ABC Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Executive Chairman of the Center for Information on Health and Alcohol (CISA),
São Paulo

Cíntia de Azevedo Marques Périco
Psychiatrist, Assistance Branch Coordinator of the Department of Psychiatry of ABC Medical School
São Paulo

Fernanda Cestaro Prado Cortez
Psychiatrist, Medical Researcher, Ambulatory for the Treatment of Sexual Disorders
ABC Medical School
São Paulo

Flávia Ismael
Psychiatrist, Medical Researcher, Interdisciplinary Group of Studies on Alcohol
Drugs of the Clinical Hospital of the Psychiatric, Institute of the University of São Paulo
São Paulo

Gabriela Arantes Wagner
Pharmacist, PhD student, Department of Psychiatry
School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
São Paulo

Luciana Roberta Donola Cardoso
Psychologist, Master of Sciences Catholic University
Institute of Psychiatry – Hospital das Clinicas – Medical School – University of São Paulo
São Paulo

Lucio Garcia de Oliveira
Psychologist, Post-doctoral student, Department of Psychiatry
School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo
São Paulo

Ricardo Amaral
Psychiatrist, PhD student, Department of Psychiatry
School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
São Paulo


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