Chapter 10

Portal Surgery: Portosystemic Shunts and Portal Hypertension

Maria-Angeles Aller, Marta Mendez, Maria-Paz Nava, Laudino Lopez, Diana Curras, Ana de Paz, Jorge-Luis Arias and Jaime Arias


The most frequently used experimental models for portal microsurgery are those achieved through portal systemic shunts and partial portal vein ligation. Portacaval shunts are appropriate techniques for microsurgical training but also for researching chronic hepatic insufficiency and particularly hepatic encephalopathy. Portal hypertension by triple partial portal vein ligation, is associated with a low-grade inflammatory response at the splanchnic (enteropathy and liver steatosis) and systemic levels.

Total Pages: 117-136 (20)

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.Abdominal Pain: Essential Diagnosis and Management in Acute Medicine.
.Clinical Mechanics in the Gut: An Introduction.
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