Author: A.R Memari

Advanced Approach to Mitigate Magnetic Fields and Your Health

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $123
Printed Copy: US $98
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-637-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-039-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2009
DOI: 10.2174/97816080503901090101


This Ebook describes the hazardous effects of magnetic fields and explains how exposure to high voltage transmission line magnetic field could affect human lives. It explains how newly developed methods enable experts to completely mitigate the magnetic field at any point of consideration and also to simultaneously achieve noticeable cancellation of the field at other locations.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
A.R. Memari
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About The Author

- Pp. iii
A.R. Memari
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Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields

- Pp. 1-8 (8)
A.R. Memari

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Fundamental of Magnetic Field

- Pp. 9-20 (12)
A.R. Memari

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Fundamental Calculations of Auxiliary Loop Voltage

- Pp. 21-25 (5)
A.R. Memari

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Calculation of Mitigating Magnetic Field

- Pp. 26-32 (7)
A.R. Memari

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Geometrical Positions of Auxiliary Loop

- Pp. 33-50 (18)
A.R. Memari

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Magnetic Field and Delta Connections

- Pp. 51-59 (9)
A.R. Memari

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Bundled-Conductors Magnetic Field Calculations

- Pp. 60-81 (22)
A.R. Memari

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Bundled-Conductors vs. Single Conductor per Phase

- Pp. 82-84 (3)
A.R. Memari

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Auxiliary Loop - Ground Wire

- Pp. 85
A.R. Memari

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Mitigating Loop at Ground Level

- Pp. 86-92 (7)
A.R. Memari

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Magnetic Field of Vertically Installed Conductors

- Pp. 93-99 (7)
A.R. Memari

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- Pp. 100
A.R. Memari

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- Pp. 101-102 (2)
A.R. Memari
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