Editor: Domenico Ribatti

Recent Advances in Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenesis

eBook: US $54 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $135
Printed Copy: US $108
Library License: US $216
ISBN: 978-1-60805-693-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-004-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2009
DOI: 10.2174/97816080500481090101


The book presents recent advances in the field of angiogenesis and antiangiogenesis. Starting with the hypothesis of Judah Folkman that tumor growth is angiogenesis dependent, this area of research now has a solid scientific foundation. Tumor growth, metastasis, progression, dormancy and apoptosis depend on angiogenesis: several clinical studies have shown a positive correlation between the number of vessels in the tumor, metastasis formation and disease prognosis. A number of approaches have been developed to inhibit tumor angiogenesis, and numerous compounds discovered that inhibit angiogenesis, but only a few of them proved effective in vivo and only a couple of agents were able to induce tumor regression. These and other related developments described in the book should prove to be of interest to a large number of readers wishing to keep abreast with the latest developments in the field.


- Pp. i
Napoleone Ferrara
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- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Domenico Ribatti
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- Pp. iv-v (2)
Domenico Ribatti
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Plexins and Neuropilins Regulate Integrin Conformation and Trafficking in Endothelial Cells

- Pp. 1-9 (9)
Guido Serini, Donatella Valdembri, Federico Bussolino

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The Role of Osteopontin in Angiogenesis

- Pp. 10-19 (10)
Daria Leali, Antonella Naldini

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The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Angiogenesis

- Pp. 20-29 (10)
Lizzia Raffaghello, Vito Pistoia

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Cross-Link Between Inflammation and Angiogenesis

- Pp. 30-39 (10)
Enrico Crivellato, Domenico Ribatti

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Thymus and Angiogenesis

- Pp. 40-53 (14)
Marius Raica, Anca Maria Cimpean

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Zebrafish as a Tool to Study Tumor Angiogenesis

- Pp. 54-58 (5)
Marco Presta

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The Contribution of Circulating Endothelial Cells to Tumor Angiogenesis

- Pp. 59-66 (8)
Francesco Bertolini, Patrizia Mancuso, Paola Braidotti, Yuval Shaked, Robert S. Kerbel

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Role of Thymidine Phosphorylase/Platelet-Derived Endothelial Cell Growth Factor in Tumor Progression

- Pp. 67-79 (13)
Sandra Liekens

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Role of Stromal Cells in Neovascularization of Multiple Myeloma

- Pp. 80-84 (5)
Maria Fico, Giuseppe Mangialardi, Roberto Ria, Michele Moschetta, Domenico Ribatti, Angelo Vacca

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Recent Advances in Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenesis: The Neuroblastoma Model

- Pp. 85-91 (7)
Fabio Pastorino, Mirco Ponzoni

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Tumor Targeting with Transgenic Endothelial Cells

- Pp. 92-100 (9)
Gerold Untergasser, Eberhard Gunsilius

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Tumor Vascular Disrupting Agents

- Pp. 101-111 (11)
Gillan Tozer, Chyso Kanthou

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Inhibitors of Angiogenesis Based on Thrombospondin-1

- Pp. 112-126 (15)
Giulia Taraboletti, Katiuscia Bonezzi

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Novel Antiangiogenic Molecules in Multiple Myeloma

- Pp. 127-133 (7)
Aldo M. Roccaro, Irene M. Ghobrial

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- Pp. 134-135 (2)
Domenico Ribatti
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