Chapter 2

Protein Primary Sequence Analysis

Sheikh Arslan Sehgal*, Rana Adnan Tahir and Muhammad Waqas


Protein primary sequence analyses (amino acid sequence) always show logical insights for further studies. We can analyze a wide range of basic informative aspects, including a prediction of repetitive sequences, the motif, domain, or active sites, and the ability to form a coiled-coiled structure by performing primary sequence analyses. Protparam Expasy, the primary sequence analysis tool, was utilized to analyze the physicochemical properties of PSEN2 protein.

Total Pages: 12-16 (5)

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.Applied Biomathematics for Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Protein Folding: Quantitative Simulations.
.Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Livestock Science.
.Advances in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Omic Sciences.