Chapter 3

Mobile Cloud Computing

Ambika Nagaraj


Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is the administrations of distributed computing. The facilitation is available to a cell phone or any hand-versatile framework. Portable processing coordinates with distributed computing on account of the fundamental attributes of the cloud model. Some examples include on-request selfadministration, asset pooling, quick flexibility, and estimated administrations. Portable Sensor-cloud collects the readings in an unsupervised environment and provides the queried data to the respective clients. This chapter provides a vision into the taxonomy of the mobile cloud system, its security issues, management issues, advantages, applications, challenges, and future directions.

Total Pages: 70-100 (31)

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.IoT-enabled Sensor Networks: Architecture, Methodologies, Security, and Futuristic Applications.
.Human-Computer Interaction and Beyond: Advances Towards Smart and Interconnected Environments (Part II).
.Human-Computer Interaction and Beyond: Advances Towards Smart and Interconnected Environments
(Part 1).