Chapter 3

Microenvironment of Pathological Vascularization

Mei Zhang and Xiaoxiao Cai


Past studies have shown that many destructive diseases drive abnormal angiogenesis and progression, such as inflammatory diseases, cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis diseases. These diseases, which have a variety of consequences, show some common pathophysiological characteristics, among which the proliferation of endothelial cells, recruitment of immune cells, and high-expression of angiogenic factors play a key role. At the same time, local hypoxia, inflammation, senile, and local ischaemia cause adverse consequences such as abnormal vascularisation. Abnormal blood vessels usually include vascular structural abnormalities, abnormal endothelial cells, excessive vascular permeability, vascular dysfunction, etc. The pathological microenvironment is related to abnormal vascularisation and further aggravates the abnormality of vascularisation. Therefore, this review will be helpful for further study of vascularised tissue engineering.

Total Pages: 47-69 (23)

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