Chapter 28

Cholera: A Waterborne Disease Characterized by Diarrhea

Muhammad Imran Qadir and Azra Yasmeen


Cholera is a disease caused by a bacterial strain Vibrio cholerae in the small intestine which is a waterborne disease characterized by diarrhea cause loss of water from the body. Vibrio cholerae is the major etiology agent of the cholera disease. There are two O1 and O139 strains of bacteria that produce a toxin which can cause cholera disease, blood infection, and also cause the economic loss of the world. The major causes of cholera are contaminated food and unhygienic water. The bacteria causing the disease exist in water, lakes, and rivers. Over 100,000 deaths occur each year due to cholera. Different management systems are used to control the disease in which different vaccines are used like a rotavirus vaccine, Killed Oral Cholera Vaccine, which includes Dukoral, Shankol, and Euvichol. Different antibiotics used for control of disease and oral-radiation therapy are used to control the disease. Infectious diseases are avoided by taking different preventive measures like hygienic food and hygienic water.

Total Pages: 123-128 (6)

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