Chapter 1

Isolation of Genomic DNA From Plant Tissues

Pallavi Singh


Genomic DNA extraction is the starting point for various downstream molecular biology applications viz. PCR, restriction analysis, hybridisation etc. Numerous problems like DNA degradation, co-isolation of viscous polysaccharides, polyphenols and other secondary metabolites causing damage to DNA, inhibiting restriction enzymes, DNA polymerases etc, are routinely encountered during DNA isolation from plants. Quinone compounds resulting from oxidation of polyphenols lead brown the DNA preparations and can also damage proteins and DNA’s due to their oxidizing properties. This results in a poor yield of high molecular weight DNA. The protocol below explains the extraction of DNA via the CTAB method, involving three major steps viz lysis of cell wall and membranes, extraction of genomic DNA and precipitation of DNA.

Total Pages: 1-6 (6)

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