Chapter 2

A Novel Complementary Approach Using New Probiotic Product for the Improvement of HIV Therapy

Constantin V. Sobol


AIDS is a challenge to mankind. Widespread use of cART changed HIV from a progressive illness with a lethal prognosis into a chronic controlled disease with some side-effects. There is a problem of latent infection or viral reservoir(s), which is unaffected by ART and is not recognized by the immune system. Many researches have concentrated on reducing/disrupting the latent viral reservoir(s) to get rid of HIV. Mucosal surfaces are the entry point and the major regions of HIV-replication. HIV is associated with dramatic loss of gastrointestinal Th17 cells, high mucosal permeability, and chronic inflammation. Effective treatments or prophylaxis at the mucosal level are much needed. Understanding the interplay between microbiota and HIV is important for development successful strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care. Increasing evidence indicate that microbiota can play an important role in HIV transmission and pathogenesis. A new powerful probiotic product (PP) was developed. PP stimulates growth of symbiotic microflora and has a very broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. PP boosts the immune system. The strongest stimulation of mucosal immune system occurred when PP was administered directly at a mucosal surface. Various routes of PP administration are discussed. PP can improve function of cardiovascular system and cognitive function in HIV/AIDS patients. PP provided relief from opportunistic infections and improved immunological status in HIV/AIDS individuals. It is expected that PP can be used as supplemental therapy to cART.

Total Pages: 49-121 (73)

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