Chapter 11

Non Wood Forest Biodiversity for Food Security- Rattans a Case Study

Manohara T. N.


Studies were conducted on two rattan species of the North East India, Calamus flagellum Griff. ex Mart. and C. floribundus Griff. (Arecaceae), to know the nutrient value of the shoots. In general, the rattan species studied contain considerable amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fibres, vitamins and minerals. When compared to other palm shoots and bamboo shoots the level of sodium and fat are very low. The level of Vitamin B complex was at par with other leafy vegetables and bamboo species. Phosphorous content was also more in rattans than in the leafy vegetables. Nutritional features of rattan shoots make them an excellent source of dietary supplements to local people. The rattans can be promoted among farmers as under storey crops in an agroforestry system and in shifting cultivation to provide enhanced livelihood options. Large scale cultivation of edible Rattans with community participation will reduce the pressures on harvesting from the wild and promote conservation of the rich diversity of Rattans in India.

Total Pages: 121-126 (6)

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.Marine Ecosystems: A Unique Source of Valuable Bioactive Compounds.
.Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals.
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