Chapter 6

Case Study 1: BIM in Malaysia

John Rogers, Heap-Yih Chong, Christopher Preece, Chai Chai Lim and Himal Suranga Jayasena


Although it can be seen that pockets of BIM awareness exist in Malaysia, there is no comprehensive picture of the level of awareness or perceptions across the Malaysian construction industry. There are insufficient BIM competent people in Malaysia. There are grave concerns pertaining to the legal issues that may or may not be attributable to BIM, including protection of IPR and the implications for professional liability. The Malaysian Government may have policies intended to support BIM adoption but these are unknown to the industry. Overall, there is a strong belief that acquiring a BIM capability will provide a competitive advantage in the market place. It is recommended that the government should appoint a BIM champion and Task Force to promote BIM development in Malaysia.

Total Pages: 73-93 (21)

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