Chapter 3

Habermas’s Domains of Reflection and Discursive Acts

Reuben M. Castagno


In order to assess the different varieties of educators’ cinematic reflective practices, the researcher made use of the subjects’ cinematic journals, cinematic essays, and the planning of a classroom cinematic learning experiences. The researcher conducted a “document content analysis”, a widely used method in qualitative inquiry (Frankel & Wallen, 1993). The basis of analysis was the unit of educators’ conceptual thinking on the connection of popular cinema to pedagogy. A thought unit in this study was defined as the written entry indicating a repeatable discernible segment of a reflective claim regarding the self (i.e., the speaker/writer), the other(s), and/or a combination of the speaker and the other presenting something inter-subjective).

Total Pages: 25-35 (11)

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