Chapter 9

Lattice Boltzmann Method for MILD Oxy-fuel Combustion Research: A Potential Powerful Tool Responding to the Man-made GlobalWarming

Sheng Chen


The subject of this chapter concerns the numerical simulation/modeling of multicomponent combustion under MILD oxy-fuel operation by the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to deepen our understanding on this novel combustion technology and improve related methodologies, which represents a significant challenge in the combustion community to respond to the man-made global warming. The main objective is to demonstrate the opportunities to build a new modeling framework to accelerate scientific discovery in this topic by utilizing unique features of the LBM and indicate the challenges that we should overcome since until recently the LBM could not be employed in such research due to combustion’s inherent complexity. The relevant preliminary explorations, including that by the present author, are reviewed. Further development of the methodology would not only provide the basis for a new platform to accelerated scientific research in combustion science, but also significantly push back the limits of LBM in general.

Total Pages: 217-267 (51)

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