Chapter 1

Fault Analysis in Power Systems

Mark A. Lau and Sastry P. Kuruganty


Fault analysis is an important consideration in power system planning, protection equipment selection, and overall system reliability assessment. At the heart of today’s power generation and distribution are high-voltage transmission and distribution networks. When a fault (e.g., a short circuit) occurs at some point in the network, the normal operating conditions of the system are upset; if the fault is per-sistent severe loss of load, property damage due to fire or explosion, and steep eco-nomic losses can arise as undesirable consequences. Therefore, the correct modeling of components and the correct fault analysis in power systems are critical to ensur-ing safety and reliability. In this chapter fault analysis is illustrated via spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are widely accessible and the ease of programming is the hallmark feature that renders them appealing to many users. This simple tool is employed to analyze both symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults in powersystems. The determi-nation of fault currents aids the power engineer in the selection and coordination of protective equipment to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system.

Total Pages: 3-17 (15)

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