Chapter 17

Listen to the Drawings: A Possible Interpretation of Young People’s Visions of the World

Teresa Torres de Eça


In this final chapter we intend to present a possible interpretation of the results of our international research study about the interests of young people aged 15-18 years old as they are depicted in their drawings. During two years, 1613 drawings were collected from schools in Israel (78 drawings), Japan (123), USA (31), Hungary (400), Mozambique (38), Australia (64), Brazil (242), Spain (62), Croatia (150), Hong Kong (35), Greece (200) and Portugal (190). We selected a few of them to try to understand possible meanings and content. By looking at or listening to the drawings we realised the unique value and the need for understanding young peoples’ own culture, and the influences behind them.

Total Pages: 176-194 (19)

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