Chapter 10

Role of Translationally Regulated Genes in Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation: Integration of Transcriptome and Translational State Profiling

Qian Yi Lee, Winston Koh, Prabha Sampath and Vivek Tanavde


This chapter describes a method for genome-wide identification of translationally regulated genes during embryonic stem cell differentiation using integrated transcriptome and translation state profiling. Previous attempts at identification of translationally regulated genes have focused on measuring the fractionation of the mRNA molecules in the translated and untranslated fractions without considering the transcriptional status of these genes. In this method we describe how integrating information about transcriptional and translational status of genes enables in identification of translationally regulated genes with much greater accuracy. This approach developed for microarrays can also be used for gene expression measured by next generation sequencing.

Total Pages: 180-192 (13)

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